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Food-Industrial Biotechnology

Research Centres* in India-Ongoing Projects

Since food and industrial biotech includes some aspects of Plant-Agro biotech, Pharma-Medical biotech, Marine biotech and Aquaculture and Animal biotech, therefore viewers are requested to check the research institutes mentioned under the above branches of biotechnology too.

Allahabad University (AU)

Research: In Food technology and Nutritional sciences

Anna University Gundi, Madras.

Research: Industrial Biotechnology, Food Technology, Ph.D. and Research on Tissue Culture, Protein Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering, and Automation.

Annamalai University; ;

Research: MSc in Marine biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, Biochemistry, Environmental Biotechnology, Marine Biology & Oceanography, Coastal Aquaculture, Marine Biotechnology, Marine Food Technology, Marine Microbiology;

Assam Agricultural University; Jorhat, Assam,

Research: Provides PhD degree.

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu, /

Research: Industrial Biotechnology

Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair

Research: An ICAR unit. CARI is mandated to provide a research base to improve the productivity of important agri-horticulture, livestock and fisheries of Andaman and Nicobar Islands through adaptive and basic research for attaining economic self-sufficiency.

Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh.

Research: An ICAR unit. A premier institute in the field of poultry research, education, extension and training in India

Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Karnataka Mysore-570 013, India. Ph: +91-821-2514534. Fax: +91-821-2515453

Research: A CSIR unit. CFTRI has Technology Transfer and Business Development Department (TTBD) as its single technology-window to the outside world. Do Contract Research. Short term training on Post harvest Meat, Poultry, Fish, Horticulture products etc. management. Research on plant biotech, fermentation tech, food microbiology, food infestation, fruit, vegetable tech and protein technology.

Central Institute for Sub-Tropical Horticulture (CISTH), (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Rehmankhera, P.O.Kakori, Lucknow UP, INDIA, 227107. Fax: 91-0522-2841025, Phone: 91-0522-2841022, 23.

Research: An ICAR unit. Its research divisions are crop improvement by development of various varieties and production; crop protection and post harvest management. World’s largest mango germplasm collection. Work on mango, banana, grapes, guava and papaya, their pest management, bacterial and fungal disease and control. 

Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Jaiprakash Road, Seven Bungalows, Versova, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Pin- 400061. Tel: 022-636157316. Email:, Web Site:

Research: An ICAR unit. First fisheries university in India mandated to conduct education and research programmes leading to post-graduate (M.F.Sc.) and doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees in specialized disciplines of fisheries science and technology.

Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Willingdon Island, P.O. Matsyapuri, Cochin, Kerala PIN 682029. Fax: +91 (0) 484 668212. ALSO PB No. 7392, Kakori Camp, Jaiprakash Road, Versova, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Pin Code: 400061. Telephone: +91-22-26361446-7-8, 26320395 / 26363404 / 26348223. Fax: +91-22-26361573, 26348223


A unit of ICAR. Research in all disciplines relating to fishing and fish processing is undertaken. The institute started functioning at Cochin in 1957.  Research centers function at Veraval (Gujarat), Visakhapatnam (AP), Burla (Orissa), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Calicut (Kerala) and Hoshangabad (MP). Research Divisions includes Fishing Technology Division striving to address the major issues facing the fishing industry today, like Long-term sustainability of the fishery resources, Protection of biodiversity, Fishery enhancement. The research programmes in biochemistry & nutrition divisions are aimed at solving various biochemical and nutritional problems associated with fish processing and preservation.

Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar 751 002, Orissa. Fax No. : 0674 - 2465407 Phone Nos. : 0674 2465421.

Research: A unit of ICAR, which conducts research specifically in nutrition, physiology, genetics, pathology, pond environmental monitoring and aquaculture engineering for developing intensive and extensive warm freshwater farming systems for commercially important finfish and shellfish; it provides specialised training and extension programmes in freshwater aquaculture to enable economic utilisation of cultivated and cultivable freshwater resources of the country and  also act as a nodal agency to provide scientific information and technology transfer for freshwater aquaculture development.

Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology (CIPHET), Post Office: P.A.U Campus, Ludhiana-141 004, Punjab, India. Tel: 91-161-808669 to 808673, Fax: 91-161-808670. And Malout - Hanumangarh By Pass, Abohar - 152 116, Punjab, India. Tel: 91-1634-24024, 25313(O) Fax: 91-1634-25313.

Research: An ICAR unit. CIPHET objectives include- undertaking basic, applied and adaptive engineering and technology research in post harvest sector of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, plantation crops, products of forest origin, livestock and aquaculture products including agricultural structures and environmental control; Acting as national institute for research, training, and education in post harvest engineering and technology and to act as repository of information on post harvest engineering and technology. It has a modern Food Science and Technology Laboratory for food products analysis, work areas also include Microbiology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, and Foods and Nutrition. The Institute conducts training and consultancy activities for farmers, rural unemployed youth, farm women, scientists / teachers. An agro- processing centre at Abohar is functioning and another at Ludhiana is being established for transfer of technology. Low cost poly houses at Ludhiana and Abohar are available for off-season high value crops cultivation.

Central Leather Research Institute, (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India. Tel: 91-44-24910897, 91-44-24910846. Fax: 91-44-24912150. E-mail :

Research: A unit of CSIR and is the World's largest Leather Research Institute. It is a central hub in Indian leather sector with direct roles in education, research, training, testing, designing, forecasting, planning, social empowerment and leading in science and technology relating to leather. State-of-art facilities in CLRI support innovation in leather processing, creative designing of leather products viz. leather garment, leather goods, footwear and development of novel environmental technologies for leather sector. Conducts training programmes. Have Bio-Physics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bio-organic, bio-products, biomaterials and microbiology departments, all working on leather aspects. Conducts Master and Doctoral level programmes.

Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, India. Phone:+91-40-27160222-41(20 lines). Fax: :+91-40-27160591, 27160311,

Research: One of the constituent national laboratories of CSIR. Areas of work include genomics, molecular biology, genetics and evolution, biochemistry and biophysics, cell biology and development, biotechnology and biomedicine. Various facilities in the institute include, flow cytometry, digital imaging, protein analysis, transgenic technology, laboratory animals, confocal microscopy, DNA sequencing, nucleic acid synthesis, Pisciculture lab. Worked on Human genetics, tribal genetic variations in India, cell growth, development biology of plant reproduction, homeotic gene control in drosophila, antibiotic resistance in microbes, eukaryotic transcription (TATA Box), Human genetic disorders, signal transduction, genetics of plant pathogen interaction, enzyme structure function, nuclear pores, mol bio of sex determination, microbial mutation, linkage map of buffalo, Intracellular transport of proteins, Membrane organization, dynamics and function,

Protein Structure and Conformation, Protein Crystallography, Mathematical Modelling of Biological Processes, molecular basis of maturation and capacitaion of spermatozoa, sperm associated proteins and fertility potential, molecular basis of development, hormone regulation of protein synthesis, tumor biology and cataract and other eye diseases, DNA fingerprinting ans conservation of endangered species, transgenic and aquaculture, molecular parasitology,and hybrid biological membranes. Host In recognition of its contribution to modern biology, CCMB has been chosen as a Centre of Excellence by UNESCO Global Network for Molecular and Cell Biology MCBN and has been designated as a South Centre for Excellence for Research and Training by the Third World Academy of Sciences TWAS, Italy. Provide summer training to MSc. And B.Tech students.

Council of Industrial Research (CSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi- 110 001, India.

Email: General Queries: Fax: 011-23710618 (DG's Office). Phone: 011-23737889 (Reception)

Research: CSIR a premier industrial R&D organization in India constituted in 1942 aims to provide industrial competitiveness, social welfare, strong S&T base for strategic sectors and advancement of fundamental knowledge. It is one of the world’s largest publicly funded R&D organisations having linkages to academia, R&D organisations and industry. CSIR has 38 labs that knit India into a giant network adding quality to the life of each and every Indian and equally having Global Research Alliance. Of the 229 US patents granted in 2004-05 to Indian inventors (excluding foreign assignees), CSIR has 140 (61.1%). It provides financial support to the public and private institutes on basic and applied research projects.

Food and Drug Toxicology Research Centre (FDTRC), Pune

Research: An ICMR unit. Food and drug toxicology.

ICAR Research Complex For Goa, Ela Old, Goa  

Research: An ICAR unit. Mandated to conduct strategic and applied research on potential Agricultural and Horticultural crops, Livestock and Fisheries for improving productivity and post harvest management.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012. Telefax: (011) 25843657.

Research: ICAR includes Institutes, Bureaux, National Research Centres and Project Directorates having manpower of about 30,000 personnel out of which nearly 7000 are engaged in active research and its management. Under the aegis of ICAR 38 Agricultural Universities (SAUs) employ about 26,000 scientists for teaching, research and extension education; of these over 6000 scientists are employed in the ICAR supported coordinated projects. ICAR has large number collabrations with national and international institutions. It acts as a repository of information and provides consultancy on agriculture, horticulture, resource management, animal sciences, agricultural engineering, fisheries, agricultural extension, agricultural education, home science and agricultural communication. ICAR trains 6 lakh farmers are trained every year in various fields of agriculture such as Crop Production, Plant Protection, Livestock Production and Management, Soil and Water Management, home science, poultry, dairying, piggery, bee-keeping, fisheries, fruit & vegetable preservation, maintenance and repairing of farm machinery and tools, and hybrid seed production. Organizes summer training, workshops, seminars and winter schools. Can procure CDs at affordable price on various aspects of agriculture.

Indian Industrial Toxicology Research Centre,Post Box No. 80, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Lucknow - 226 001, India, Phone (Director's Office): +91-522-2621856, 2628227, 2613357.

Research: Formerly known as Industrial Toxicology Research Centre), is a constituent laboratory of CSIR. It studies the impact of industrial and environmental chemicals on human health and ecosystem, and environmental monitoring of pollutants in air, water and soil. The institute also helps regulatory bodies to formulate/amend guidelines for safe use of chemicals or products. Major research areas are Analytical Chemistry, Aquatic toxicology, Biomembrane Toxicology, Cardiovascular Toxicology, Cell Biology, Developmental Toxicology, Dyes & Food Adulterant Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Embryotoxicology , Environmental Biotechnology , Environmental Carcinogenesis, Environmental Chemistry &  Waste Water Analysis, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Monitoring, Epidemiology, Fibre Toxicology, Herbal Research, Immunobiology, Immunotoxicology, Inhalation Toxicology, Neurotoxicology, Pesticides Toxicology, Petroleum Toxicology, Photobiology, Preventive Toxicology, Proteomics, Safety Evaluation of GM-Drugs, Toxicokinetics, Toxicogenomics & Predictive Toxicology.

Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), 4, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-700 032, West Bengal, India. Phone: +91 33 2473 0492. Fax: +91 33 2473 5197, +91 33 2472 3967.

Research: A unit of CSIR. Research work includes developing transgenic plants for pest resistant & improved pharmaceutical/nutraceuticals. Offers PhD programmes.     

Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India - 500 007. Phone: 91-40-27160123(20 lines), 91-40-27193030 • Fax: 040-27160387.

Research: A unit of CSIR. IICT ’s carry out research in the chemical sciences leading to innovative processes for a variety of products as food, health and energy More than 150 technologies developed by IICT are now in commercial production. It has received several sponsored and consultancy projects from the industry, year after year. The external cash flow of IICT for the year 2003-04 is around Rs.16.5 crores. With over 450 highly professional and dedicated scientists and technical officers/technicians, excellent laboratory and instrument facilities for research in chemical sciences and technology and allied sciences, IICT is known nationally as well as internationally for its contributions both in basic and applied research.

Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine(IIIM), (formerly Regional research laboratory), Canal Road, Jammu Tawi - 180 001. Phone: 2569111, 2569222; Fax: 2569333 STD Code: 0191. Email: Research: A unit of CSIR. Its R&D units consist of Biotech, pharmacology and natural product chemistry. Its biotech section has facility of pilot plant, with Micro-processor controlled fomenters (1- 4,000 liter capacity), and state-of–art equipment required for Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry, Enzymology, Genetic Engineering and Bio-Chemical Engineering.

Indian institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh

Research: Enzyme Engineering, immobilized biocatalyst, microbial fermentation

Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR) , Lucknow

Indian Institute of Sugarcane Technology (IIST), Kanpur

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Research: In biochemical engineering. All IITs offer PhD programes.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB)

M.Sc. Biotechnology, scholarships for each student.

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD)

biochemical engineering and biotechnology

Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (IITG)

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (IITR)

Indian Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC), Lucknow

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) Izatnagar, UP.

Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC), Lucknow,

Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh - 160036 (INDIA). PH: +91-172-2695215, 2695225, 2636680 - 94

Research: A unit of CSIR. Some of its research division with work includes, Molecular Biology: Molecular biology of pathogens, gene silencing, stress tolerance, signal transduction, gene expression, and genome-wide analysis. Bioorganic Chemistry: Enzymes and abzymes in organic synthesis, biocatalysis and bioactive molecules. Peptide Chemistry: Peptide synthesis, conformational characterization and modelling. Biochemical Engineering: Fermentation & downstream processing, process development, bioreactor modelling and control. Biosensors: Immunodiagnostics of pesticides and other environmental pollutants based on bioprobe-electronic interfacing. Provides PhD degree.

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), * New Delhi

National Bureaue of Fish Genetic Resources, 351/28, Radha Swami Bhawan,
Duriyapur, P.O. Rajendranagar, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh PIN 226002; Fax. 0522-442403


An ICAR unit. Mandated to collection, classification and evaluation of information on fish genetic resources of the country.

National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, Email: Tel: 0184- 250042, 25263744

Research: An ICAR unit. Engaged in Dairy research.

National Research Centre for Mushroom, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

Research: An ICAR unit. Excellent center for mushroom cultivation. Provide training and consultancy.

National Research Centre for Oilpalm, Pedavegi, Andhra Pradesh

Research: An ICAR unit. A center of excellence for conducting and coordinating research on all aspects of Oil Palm including conservation, improvement, production, protection, post-harvest technology, transfer of technology and human resource development.

National Sugar Institute, Kanpur India.

Research: The Institute provides facilities for training students in the Sugar technology, Sugar engineering, Industrial fermentation and alcohol technology, has excellent facilities for Training and Advisory Services, undertaking research in all areas relating to sugar & allied industry.

North-East Institute of Science & Technology (formerly regional research laboratory), Jorhat 785006, Assam (India)

Tel: +91 376 2370012, Fax: +91 376 2370011.

Research: A unit of CSIR. Its agro-technology division is having objectives like-To develop technologies for economic cultivation of important medicinal and aromatic plants and aid in propagation or large scale cultivation; Development of protein rich plant based food products; Uplift of rural economy; Use of different molecular markers for DNA fingerprinting of medicinal, aromatic plants; Agrotechnology on Citronella, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Dioscorea, Solanum khasianam. Similarly Extraction technology for aromatic and medicinal value chemicals; Generation of databank of folklore medicine, indigenous spice, natural dye bearing plants and medicinal herbs of NER; Maintenance of germplasm bank of important medicinal, spice and aromatic plants; Selection of best feed plants for sericulture industry (Muga) and endangered plants from NER.

Its research Outcomes having Societal benefits are that it has brought more than 450 ha of wasteland into citronella cultivation, with generation of 500 tonnes of oil per year worth Rs 10 crore. This has generated employment for more than 20,000 rural families in tribal/ SC/ST and women both in hill and plain areas. The work on citronella is still continued by involving NGO’s in remote areas under CSIR societal and DBT sponsored projects. It has popularized cultivation of edible mushrooms by organizing training programmes and supplying seed materials. Large number of women NGO’s and individuals are engaged in mushroom cultivation; Quality improvement of muga silk.

University of Madras

Research: In Protein; Entomology; Industrial Microbiology, Biomedical Genetics, and Environmental Toxicology; Accredited by NAAC at five star level.

University of Rajasthan, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India-302004  

Research: Seed technology, Plant tissue culture. 


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