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Plant and Agro-Biotechnology

Research Centres* in India-Ongoing Projects

Central Potato Research Station (CPRS), (ICAR), Post Bag No 4, Morar, Gwalior-474 006 (MP). Ph: 0751-2470302 (O), 2470388 (R).

Research: engaged in breeders' seed production and development of low-input technology for potato production and to work on stem necrosis diseases of potato.

Central Potato Research Station (CPRS), (ICAR), Shillong, Meghalaya -793 009. Phone: (0364)2560885 (O), 2224325(R). Fax: 2560097.

Research: Located in the North-eastern Himalayan hills. Works on screening of germplasm and hybrids for resistance to late blight, bacterial wilt and potato tuber moth and development of production technology and varieties for the eastern hills.

Central Potato Research Station (CPRS), (ICAR),Muthorai, ooty, Udagamandalam -643 004 (Tamil Nadu). Phone: 0423-2550669(O), 2442152(R); Fax : 0423-2550669.  

Research: development of agro-techniques for potato cultivation, development of varieties/methods for resistance to late blight and cyst nematode bacterial wilt and other soil and tuber tuber- borne diseases.

Central Potato Research Station (CPRS), Sahaynagar, Patna-801 506 (Bihar), Phone: 0612-2224218 (O). Fax : 0612-2223706.

Research: Research thrust area are post-harvest technology, TPS technology, potato-based cropping system and integrated management of diseases and pests. The station also produces breeders' seed of potato and carries out transfer of technology programme including training programmes.

Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, P.O. Saidabad Hyderabad- 500059, Phone: 040-24530177, 24530187, 24535335, Fax: +91 -040 24531802, 24535336.

Research: Out of the 142 million (m) ha cultivated area in the country; only 51 m ha is irrigated rest is rainfed. It undertakes basic and applied researches that will contribute to the development of strategies for sustainable farming systems in the rainfed areas. It acts as a repository of information on rainfed agriculture in the country. It provides leadership and co-ordinate network research with SAUs for generating location-specific technologies for rainfed areas. It acts as a centre for training in research methodologies in the fields basic to management of rainfed-farming systems and collaborates with relevant national and international agencies in achieving the above objectives, and provides consultancy.

Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibre, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Barrackpore, 24 Parghanas (N), West Bengal. Pin: 743 101. Phone: 91 33 2535 1932/6123. Fax: 91 33 2535 0415. Website :

Research: Engaged in various technological researches on jute and other long vegetable fibres. Its mandate includes- Improvement of jute (C. capsularis and C. olitorius) and allied fibre crops like mesta (H. cannabinus and H.sabdariffa), sunnhemp, (Crotalaria juncea), ramje (Boehmeria nivea) sisal (Agave sisalana) and flax (Linum usitatissimum) for yield and quality; Improvement of jute and allied fibre crops for biotic and abiotic stresses; Development of economically viable and sustainable production technology and cropping systems with jute and allied fibre crops; Development of proper post-harvest technology for improving the quality of fibre; Transfer of technology and human resource development in relation to jute and allied fibre crops. scientists of CRIJAF work in various disciplines like Plant Breeding and Genetics, Agronomy, Plant Physiology, Soils, Pathology, Entomology. An ICAR unit. Mandated to the Improvement of jute (C.Capsularis and C.olitorius) and allied fibre crops like mesta (H.Cannabinus and H.Sabdariffa), sunnhemp, (Crotalaria Juncea), ramie (Boehmeria nivea) sisal (Agave sisalana) and flax (Linum usitatissimum) for yield and quality.

Central Rice Research Institute, ICAR, Cuttack (Orissa) 753006, India. Phone: 91-0671-2367768-83, Fax: 91-0671-2367663.

Research: An ICAR unit. Its main objective is to carry out research on basic and applied aspects in all disciplines of rice culture in order to devise ways and means of optimizing hectare yields of rice. Its biotechnology work includes anther culture, somaclonal variation for blight and gall midge resistance and via Marker assisted breeding and transgenosis. The institute has 5 divisions- Crop Improvement-Genetic Resources, Plant Breeding and Genetics. Crop Production-Agronomy, Soil Science and Microbiology, Agricultural Engineering. Crop Protection-Entomology, Plant Pathology. Biochemistry, Plant Physiology and Environmental Sciences (BPES). Social Sciences-Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Statistics. Extension, Communication and Training.

Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Gijubhai Badhelka Marg Bhavnagar-364002, Gujarat, India. Phone: 0278-2567760 / 2568923 / 2565106. Fax. No: 0278-2567562 / 2566970.

Research: A unit of CSIR. Production of liquid seaweed fertilizer. Somatic Embryogenesis and Clonal Propagation of marine algae (Kappaphycus alvarezii). Phtochemsitry, Molecular biology and Biotechnology of marine plants. Improvement and agrotechnology development of non traditional oil bearing deserter economic (Jojoba & Jatropha) and halophytic (Salicornia & Salvadora) plant species to develop under utilized non saline and saline wastelands.

Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar (post), Malpura (Tehsil), Tonk (District), Rajasthan - 304501. Telephone: 01437-220162, 240490 (office), 01437-220134, 240265 (Resi.). Fax: +91-1437-220163.  

Research: Its Arid Region Campus- Beechwal Industrial Area, Bikaner, Bikaner (Dist), Rajasthan India. An ICAR unit. Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute has three regional research centres in different climatic zones of the country to develop technologies for the regions. North Temperate Regional Research Station (NTRS) in temperate region at Garsa, Kullu in Himachal Pradesh. The Southern Regional Research Centre (SRRC) in sub temperate region at Mannavanur in Tamil Nadu. Arid Research Centre (ARC) was established in 1974 at Bikaner in the Arid Region of Rajasthan. Some of the important technologies generated are: maximization of fodder production through multi-tier agro forestry system.

Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute (CSWCRTI), 218, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun, Uttar Pradesh. PIN 248195. Tel: 0135-754213, 75538626

Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, (CSSRI), Zarifa Farm, Kachwa Road, Karnal, HARYANA PIN 132001. Tel: 0184-29048027. Web Site:

Research: An ICAR unit. Its mission is to generate new knowledge and understanding of the processes of reclamation and develop technologies for improving and sustaining the productivity of salty lands and waters.

Central Tobbaco Research Institute (CTRI), Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. Ph: 0883-2449871-74,2448995, Fax: 2448341.

Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, (CTCRI), Sreekartivam, Thiruvananthapuram, Trivandrum, Kerala, Pin- 695017. Tel: 0471-55006329.

Research: An ICAR unit. Mandated to undertake basic, strategic and applied research for generating technologies to enhance productivity and utilization potential of tuber crops (other than potato).

Central Wheat Research Institute (CWRI), Karnal, Haryana.

Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, India. Phone:+91-40-27160222-41(20 lines). Fax: +91-40-27160591, 27160311,

Research: One of the constituent national laboratories of CSIR. Areas of work include genomics, molecular biology, genetics and evolution, biochemistry and biophysics, cell biology and development, biotechnology and biomedicine. Various facilities in the institute include, flow cytometry, digital imaging, protein analysis, transgenic technology, laboratory animals, confocal microscopy, DNA sequencing, nucleic acid synthesis, Pisciculture lab. Worked on Human genetics, tribal genetic variations in India, cell growth, development biology of plant reproduction, homeotic gene control in drosophila, antibiotic resistance in microbes, eukaryotic transcription (TATA Box), Human genetic disorders, signal transduction, genetics of plant pathogen interaction, enzyme structure function, nuclear pores, mol bio of sex determination, microbial mutation, linkage map of buffalo, Intracellular transport of proteins, Membrane organization, dynamics and function,

Protein Structure and Conformation, Protein Crystallography, Mathematical Modelling of Biological Processes, molecular basis of maturation and capacitaion of spermatozoa, sperm associated proteins and fertility potential, molecular basis of development, hormone regulation of protein synthesis, tumor biology and cataract and other eye diseases, DNA fingerprinting ans conservation of endangered species, transgenic and aquaculture, molecular parasitology,and hybrid biological membranes. Host  in recognition of its contribution to modern biology, CCMB has been chosen as a Centre of Excellence by UNESCO Global Network for Molecular and Cell Biology MCBN and has been designated as a South Centre for Excellence for Research and Training by the Third World Academy of Sciences TWAS, Italy. Provide summer training to M.Sc. and B.Tech students.

Cotton Technology Research Laboratory: Matunga, Mumbai.

Council of Industrial Research (CSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi- 110 001, India. Fax: 011-23710618. Phone: 011-23737889

Research: CSIR a premier industrial R&D organization in India constituted in 1942 aims to provide industrial competitiveness, social welfare, strong S&T base for strategic sectors and advancement of fundamental knowledge. It is one of the world’s largest publicly funded R&D organisations having linkages to academia, R&D organisations and industry. CSIR has 38 labs that knit India into a giant network adding quality to the life of each and every Indian and equally having Global Research Alliance. Of the 229 US patents granted in 2004-05 to Indian inventors (excluding foreign assignees), CSIR has 140 (61.1%). It provides financial support to the public and private institutes on basic and applied research projects.

Directorate of Maize Research (DMR)  

Directorate of Oil Seeds Research 

Directorate of Pulses Research 

Directorate of Wheat Research (DWR)  

Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry  

Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun 

Fruit Research Institute, Bhagalpur

Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (GBPIHED)  

Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

Gujarat Agricultural University

Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation

Gulbarga University

Research: carried out in various aspects of plant biotechnology.

Haryana Agriculture University

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalay

ICAR Research Complex For Goa, (ICARRCG), ELA OLD, Goa PIN 403402, 0832-28624930. Web Site: 

Research: An ICAR unit. Mandated to conduct strategic and applied research on potential Agricultural and Horticultural crops.

ICAR Research Complex for Leh Region

ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region (ICARRCNEHR), Umroi Road, Barapani, Meghalaya PIN 793103. Tel: 0364-57030231.

Indian Agricultural Research Institute, (IARI) Pusa, Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi PIN 110012. Tel: 011-5766420, 576642034. Web Site:;

Research: An ICAR unit. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is the country's premier national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension. It has served the cause of science and society with distinction through first rate research, generation of appropriate technologies and development of human resources.  Specified areas of work include Bioimformatics, Biochemistry, Entomology, Biotechnology, Plant tissue culture, photosynthesis and plant molecular biology. Offers PhD programs.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012. Telefax: (011) 25843657.  

Research: ICAR includes Institutes, Bureaux, National Research Centres and Project Directorates having manpower of about 30,000 personnel out of which nearly 7000 are engaged in active research and its management. Under the aegis of ICAR 38 Agricultural Universities (SAUs) employ about 26,000 scientists for teaching, research and extension education; of these over 6000 scientists are employed in the ICAR supported coordinated projects. ICAR has large number collabrations with national and international institutions. It acts as a repository of information and provides consultancy on agriculture, horticulture, resource management, animal sciences, agricultural engineering, fisheries, agricultural extension, agricultural education, home science and agricultural communication. ICAR trains 6 lakh farmers are trained every year in various fields of agriculture such as Crop Production, Plant Protection, Livestock Production and Management, Soil and Water Management, home science, poultry, dairying, piggery, bee-keeping, fisheries, fruit & vegetable preservation, maintenance and repairing of farm machinery and tools, and hybrid seed production. Organizes summer training, workshops, seminars and winter schools. Can procure CDs at affordable price on various aspects of agriculture.

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, (Uttarakhand) – India, Pin Code: 248006. Phone: +91-135-2759382; Fax: +91-135-2755353. E-mail:,, Website:  

Research: ICFRE was constituted by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, in December 1986 to formulate, organize, direct and manage forestry research; transfer developed technologies to States and other agencies; and impart forestry education. The Council has 8 Research Institutes and 4 Advanced Centres in different parts of the country to cater to the research needs of different bio-geographical regions of the nation. The institutes are as follows :
Forest Research Institute (FRI) Dehradun Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI) Jodhpur 

Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI) Jabalpur

Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB)Coimbatore

Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI) Shimla

Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI) Jorhat 

Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP) Ranchi 

Institute of Woods Science and Technology (IWST)Bangalore 

Forest Research Centre (FRC) Hyderabad 

Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resource Development (CFRHRD) Chhindwara 

Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER) Allahabad 

Advanced Research Centre for Bamboo and Rattans (ARCBR), Aizawl

The Directorate also approves the committees for the selection of JR/SRF/RA's for implementation of projects in ICFRE institutes. The Directorate also conducts training for Scientific Cadre, Managerial Cadre & Technical Cadre of ICFRE and its institutes. Directorate of Education aims at promotion of forestry education at under- graduation and post-graduation levels in the States Agricultural Universities by providing necessary infrastructural support to them.

Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR)


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